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大夢不覺 DREAMLAND—丁文卿個展

來源:中國藝術資訊網(wǎng) 作者:海東 人氣: 發(fā)布時間:2021-09-23

  大夢不覺 — 丁文卿個展


  展期:2021.09.28 - 2021.10.17



  索美M50畫廊榮幸地宣布將于2021年9月28日呈現(xiàn)藝術家丁文卿個展 — 大夢不覺 DREAMLAND,此次展覽主要呈現(xiàn)丁文卿2020年至2021年最新的繪畫作品。展覽由黃又宇策展,藝術家以現(xiàn)代的審美為切入點來重新闡釋歷史,解讀水墨。







  In the twenty-fifth year of my devotion to landscape paintings, I began to feel lost suddenly. I had started to learn painting since an early age while I haven’t learn how to be critical. Each brush or stroke, every shape of woods or stones, forms of mountains and rivers had been carved in my mind. However, after burying myself in painting for two decades, I look up and found myself less determined than I used to be.

  Looking around, I see that all traces of ancient culture are fading, that the mountains and rivers are so far away and only some traces of spirits remain.

  I have always thought that mountains and rivers are the carriers of Chinese spirits. However, landscapes nowadays cannot serve as this role anymore, given that they are now scenic spots that are always over-crowded. Landscapes here are no more what I am looking for, so I have to find landscapes elsewhere.

  I would like to forget about the form of real mountains and rivers, and find my landscapes in the spiritual world.

  Fan Kuan, who lived in early Song Dynasty, led a reclusive life in mountains for a decade, painting landscapes of all kinds and finally achieved his spiritual goal. I might be doing something beyond my ability, but I also would like to get rid of the limits of the form of landscapes, and to leave my sensation on paper.

  ——Ding Wenqing


  方其夢也,不知其夢也,夢之中又占其夢焉,覺而后知其夢也;且有大覺,而后知此其大夢也。 《莊子·齊物論》。人生如同一場長久的夢,我們在夢中沉浮而不自知;蛟S,不自知才是人生最大的幸福,我們編織夢境包裹自己,忘掉自身是羈旅之客,才能在懵懂中享受片時的歡娛。


  good and bad luck of his dream. Then he wakes up, he know that it is a dream. Only when he is most sober can he know that himself is also a big dream. – “Chuangtse”。Life is like a long dream; we float through the ups and downs in the dream without knowing it.Perhaps, not knowing is the greatest happiness in life. We weave dreams to wrap ourselves, forgetting that we are the guest of travelling far away, hence enjoying the entertainment of the moment in purity.




  The mist in the mountains is called haze.My doubts about painting in my heart are also called haze. I have been searching for new interpretations of traditional landscapes, and constantly trying to use new methods to express my ideas. This may be a long road without end. After all, countless questions obscures my eyes like fog. But the process of trying itself is a kind of fun, like when you travel through the mist in the mountains, a more magnificent scenery jumps into your eyes. Even if the road ahead is still full of smoke, you who have seen the scenery will not stop at your feet.


  我們常言 — 醉翁之意不在酒,而在乎山水間。我誠以為然。我一直堅持自己依舊是一個山水畫家,只是我不憚去描繪一些新的東西。于我而言,古人的山水皆已遠去,我依舊追尋的只是昔時的精神而已。杯中之物不在酒,而我之意亦不在于恢復山水形的舊貌,如果可以舍山水之形而存其意,則萬物可成山水。

  Things inside the Cup

  It is often said that the intention of the drunkard lies not on the wine, but between mountains and rivers.

  I sincerely agree. I have always insisted that I am still a landscape painter, although I am not afraid to paint something new. As far as I am concerned, the ancient landscape is gone, and the spirit of the past is what I pursue.

  The thing in the cup does not need to be wine, and my intention is not to restore the old appearance of the landscape. If we can get rid of the form of mountains and rivers but keep its sense, everything can be landscape.


  "危樓高百丈,手可摘星辰" ---- 李白



  High high into the sky, the tower stretches; Shine shine into the hand, the star drenches. -Li Bai

  Sadly for nowadays, skyscraper are everywhere, though the stars in the sky are getting thinner and thinner above the sea of lights.Looking at the stars in the distance is actually very interesting, as the stars you are gazing at are the reflection of light projected into your eyes across infinite distances. At this moment when you are gazing at the stars, it is nowhere to know whether the star is still so bright, or whether it still exists.The starry sky means the unknown. The unknown will be fascinating. Fascination produces dreams. However, achieving dream is challenging. For an individual, the way to satisfy the dream only demands you to look up, but it only terminates at looking up.



  Listening to the Sound of Pine Trees

  Each of us has a utopia in our minds, but it is difficult to find out the core when we think about it. We will express our emotions and desires to our ideal country. Let us sit down under the pine trees. Play the piano alone, listen to the waves of pine trees, and the soft response from your utopia.


  1981 出生于中國上海

  1990 師從蕭派山水畫家施國敦先生

  1999--2001 結業(yè)于中國美術學院

  2002- 2005 上海交通大學藝術設計系學士學位

  2013 職業(yè)藝術家


  2020.10 《回溯》丁文卿個展 索美M50畫廊

  2019.6 《觀想之景》丁文卿個展 索美M50畫廊

  2018.11 《出離》丁文卿個展 上海

  2017.9 《時間碎片》丁文卿個展 上海

  2016.9 《游園》丁文卿個展 上海

  2015.11 《彼方山水》丁文卿個展 上海

  2013.12 《局部森林》丁文卿水墨個展 上海

  2013.6 《煙墨》丁文卿個展 上海

  聯(lián)展及群展 / GROUP EXHIBITION

  2020 《藝術上!穱H博覽會 上海世博展覽館

  2020 《江南觀》當代藝術展 上海

  2020.2 《萬物回春》美博春季主題藝術展線上展出

  2020.2 《抗疫》主題藝術展 上海和美術館線上

  2019.12 《思之于我》水墨聯(lián)展 索美M50畫廊

  2019.1 《經(jīng)驗的重構》 上海美博美術館

  2019.3 《東言西語》當代藝術下多元藝術邀請展 索美M50畫廊

  2018.10 《墨.計》青年水墨聯(lián)展 上海

  2018.8 《在.現(xiàn)場》ART+國際美術館駐留計劃巡展上海站 上海

  2018.6 《俄羅斯國家博物館上海藝博展》 俄羅斯國家博物館

  2018.6 《模山范水》當代水墨&雕塑展 索美M50畫廊

  2018.3 寶龍藝術大展 上海

  2017.6. 《線索》三人展 索美M50畫廊

  2017.4 《風景這邊獨好》藝術展 齊云山藝術場

  2016.6 亞洲語境下的中國多元-當代藝術展 索美畫廊


  2016.4 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 臺北

  2015.10 CYAP水墨公示展 北京

  2015.8 第二屆南京國際美展 南京

  2015.7 《學院新力量-青年藝術家作品展》

  2015.4 新加坡 AFF春季藝博會 新加坡

  2015.1 《海上新族》當代藝術家作品展 上海春美術館

  2014.11 中國(臨沂)國際藝術大展 臨沂

  2014.9 《相對論第二章——青年藝術家邀請展》 杭州

  2014.7 《起辰》2014優(yōu)秀青年藝術家邀請展 上海

  2014.6 《結構:尋求真理》 新加坡

  2013.11 全國青年藝術作品展

  2012.11 模糊第二界廣告人藝術展


  2016.9 入選2016年度《中國青年水墨年鑒》

  2016.6 2016年度青年100年度海選最受歡迎藝術家獎

  2015.9 新加坡《青年藝術家計劃》記錄片

  2014.4 美國文化之旅暨中美建交35周年藝術家赴美交流

  2013.11 作品《中國色》入選 2013 IADA 國際藝術設計大賽互藝獎

  2013.11 作品《囹圄》入選全國青年藝術作品展

  2013.6 作品當選2013中國青年藝術節(jié)開幕形象

  歷年來作品發(fā)表于《美術天地》《藝術財經(jīng)》《藝術界》《Art Cool》《大美術》等藝術期刊與雜志。與“一汽大眾集團”, “VISA信用卡”, “JackDaniel's威士忌”, “大華銀行”, “星巴客”,“B&Q”,"Johnnie Walker","Apple ipad"等品牌有藝術跨屆合作。作品被中國,美國,新加坡,香港等國家和地區(qū)的美術館,畫廊(如上海多倫美術館,美國21century藝術館,新加坡大華美術館等)及私人藏家收藏。
