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旗下欄目: 聚焦 市場 評論 軼聞

YANG GALLERY·北京| 動物狂歡節(jié) Pascal Yerly個展&視覺聲樂表演

來源:中國藝術資訊網 作者:柏玲 人氣: 發(fā)布時間:2018-10-25

  “動物狂歡節(jié)”Pascal Yerly 個展 & 視覺聲樂表演

  “Carnival – Animals”Pascal Yerly Visual & Sound Performance


  Inspired by Swiss Alps ancestral carnivals

  開幕酒會/Opening Cocktail:2018.10.27 4:30-6:30pm

  展覽日期/Exhibition Period:2018.10.27 – 11.10


  Visual and Sound Performance by Pascal Yerly& Introduction by the Swiss Embassy at 5:30pm


  Exhibition Venue:3rd Tao Ci Street, No.4 Jiu Xian Qiao Road,798 Art District,Chao Yang District, Beijing

  Organizer / 主辦方:Yang Gallery 楊·國際藝術中心


  Supported by the Embassy of Switerlandin the People's Republic of China


  Inspired by Swiss Alps ancestral carnivals


  This exhibition is inspired by ancestral carnival culture through contemporary art medias, video and mixed media printed artworks with traditional carnival figures.

  瑞士阿爾卑斯山區(qū)的狂歡節(jié)傳統(tǒng)乃遠古崇拜天地自然的遺風, 一派泛神主義式的宗教節(jié)日,接近大自然。

  The carnival in the Swiss Alps is a reflection and left over of pagan traditions, recalling on animist cultures relating to rituals and celebrations close to nature.


  The Celtics traditions seems to have been active until middle age and still carried by folks celebrations who gave birth to carnivals as we know it these days.

  瑞士藝術家 Pascal Yerly 在過去的二十年活躍在視覺藝術領域中,曾在美國、瑞士、德國、中國等國家辦過藝術展覽。他的作品常常運用現代的媒體與自然界大膽地交流,他的充滿實踐性的作品從獨特的視角表達出: 人類精神心力從大地吸取能量息息相連的同時也隨著現代科技演變兩股力量之間的平衡與分裂。目前 Pascal Yerly 在瑞士作為藝術教師任教多年,在此期間他多次在藝術大賽中獲得獎項。融入到建筑設計項目中的藝術創(chuàng)作,混合媒體的裝置作品,多種充滿新意卻訓練有素的共時性現象經常出現在直覺和微妙的感知中,造就了驚人多變的被賦予變革意義的藝術載體。

  Pascal Yerly is a native Swiss artist active in visual arts over the past two decades with exhibitions in the United States, Switzerland, Germany and China. His work and research are often engaging contemporary medias and communication perspectives in relation with nature. His vision expresses the idea of humans nurturing a balancing mind connected with the earth, but nonetheless evolving with technologies and disruptive experimental works. He is also an art professor in Switzerland since many years and he has been awarded in art competitions. Through art in architecture, mixed media installation and various creative disciplines are resulting in an astoundingly varied and innovative body of work.


  Exhibiting Collections

  “Carnival Animals” 150x110cm Mixed Medium

  “Carnival Animals” 150x110cm Mixed Medium

  “Carnival Animals” 150x110cm Mixed Medium

  “Carnival Animals” 150x110cm Mixed Medium

  “Carnival Animals” 80x55cm Mixed Medium

  “Carnival Animals” 80x55cm Mixed Medium

